Monday 7 June 2010


It's not that i'm getting old, I just thought it'd be nice to have a board for those small summer waves and do a bit of Hotdogging from time to time, why not?



I had thought i'd lost my surfjo after the lasat two sesh's. I got it back today though low tide Croyde on Red was sick, 3-4ft and clean as you like! People in Devon get up so bloody early though! 70-80 people already in at 6am WTF!



Widdy on Red 2ft and clean! The surfgods obviously decided I didn't deserve a good B'Day surf! Had a good Ruby Murray at Bay View in and a Betty though! Nice



OMG What a frustrating surf it looked so promising at 7ft@12secs, low tide Watergate on Dippy, it was so fat I recon I needed a longboard and unbelievably rippy my arms and shoulders were busting by the end of the sesh and I only caught a handful of waves! Had a nice big left and that was the wave of the day! Sucker!


Friday 28 May 2010


From Left to Right:-

Dippy - 5'11" Diplock

Pink - 6' Adams

Red - 6' Adams Carbon Rail

Dave - 6'2" Dave Brown

Freddie - 6'3" Al Merrick Flyer 2 in Tufflite

Fatty - 6'9" Sprayed it myself using Ford Orange and Peugeot Green



Dawny at Croyde Low tide!
I got to Down End at 6.15 and there was already a guy charging, so I told him I wasn't staying and left after a big poo in the public toilets there! I parked at the good old National Trust CP for free (membership free anyway) It was heaving 40 people in at 6.30 and about 3million but 8.30 WTF! It was a real punchy wave around the 3ft marker, got slammed into the sea bed a few times but it's all good! Went in on Red (6' Adams Carbon Rail). Three diferent boards in three sessions, it good to make use of the quiver that has taken me years to build!



Croyde - Sunny, 3ft and Clean!
Went in on Dippy (5'11" Diplock) it was quite busy but for some reason no one was catching many waves except me and this guy on a fat green fish! Had a good surf but there was a big lull between sets and I got bored talking to myself in the end so I went after a couple of hours only after a good handfull of waves though!